Facebook wants you to buy all inside it.

When Facebook started it was a way to be connected with friends, family, co-workers and people in general, a great form to show and share your interests, now its mission is that you do your shopping on it, and of course they expect you to share your last Internet purchase.

Early this year Facebook announced changes in the way our news feed prioritize our friends post rather than companies or stores, but now the giant of social media wants to be the only thing you need to buy whatever you want.

So Facebook is trying to be Amazon? Well, not necessarily, people is spending a lot of time in Facebook, they already see some ads of a store, even ads that match their amazon’s search results, although companies with fan pages can direct their customers to an in-facebook store this is, still, a site to site jump, and what Facebook really wants is you to stay as long as possible in their site.

But this experience prioritizing an aspect that has been shut out until recently, the mobile shopping this very week Google unveiled a buy button, and as Buzzfeed explained: “On mobile, Facebook is displaying these shops very prominently, right underneath the standard toolbar and about section. The setup may cause brands to use Facebook in a way more aligned with what they do.”

July 17, 2015 by
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